SKSC January LC Invite

Location Guildford pool parking
Start date Jan 26, 2024
End date Jan 26, 2024
Eligibility National Development

SKSC January LC Invite

Where:  Guildford Recreation Centre, 15105 105 Ave, Surrey, BC V3R 7G8

When: Saturday, January 26th

Activation: 12:40 pm       Warm-Up: 1:00-1:50 pm       Session Starts: 2:00pm

Cost: $10.00 per event + $5.00 Swim BC Splash Fee + $5.00 Meet Admin Fee per day of meet

What to bring: Titans t-shirt and cap, goggles, training suit and racing suit (if your swimmer has one), waterbottle, snacks for throughout the session, clothing to layer for in between events (including socks and shoes), folding chair. 

SKSC is still looking for a couple volunteer positions to be filled. If you are able to help out that would be great! Their club always supports our meets when help is needed, so if we could give back that would be great! 
